Selasa, 13 November 2012

universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta - Mari bersama-sama belajar seo tentang saya benianwar dengan nim 111250808 di Fakultas FTI jurusan SI tugas ini diberikan oleh dosen saya yang bernama wahyu pramusinto.Universitas Budiluhur termasuk kampus unggulan dijakarta selatan. ada 5 Fakultas yang terdapat di Kampus budiluhur dari FTI, FE, FT, FISIP dan Fikom.. ada banya juga ukm yang berada dikampus Budiluhur KSL,MAKOPALA,IMASI,IMTI ,BOLA,BASKET,BULUTANGKIS DLL. Kampus budiluhur juga mengadakan kelas karyawan pada waktu malam hari dan selesai pada jam 10 malam.

Sejarah Universitas Budi Luhur

Universitas ini berdiri sejak tahun 1 April 1979 dengan sebuah nama filosofi yang sampai saat ini di pegang yakni “Cerdas Berbudi Luhur”. Awal mula dari nama universitas budi luhur adalah dengan nama perguruan tinggi akademi ilmu komputer (AIK) pada tahun 1979 dan menjadikan universitas komputer pertama kali di Indonesia. Dan juga sebagai pelopor pendidikan tinggi di bidang komputer di Indonesia dan menjadi universitas unggulan di jakarta.

Cara Belajar

Banyak cara belajar di Kampus Unversitas budiluhur telah menyediakan layanan internet corner, ditempat internet corner mahaiswa bisa menggunakan layanan internet geratis tampa ada pungutan biaya sekali pun
dan mahasiswa bisa mendownload materi dari elearning. Budiluhur juga mengadakan kelas ungulan untuk mahasiswa yang perperstasi dengan sarat minimal ipk 3,25


Kampus budiluhur mengadakan beasiswa yang bernilai sebesar 2 miliar itu di peruntukan untuk mahasiswa yang kurang mampu dan  berperstasi dalam akademik

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

The internet

One of the major reasons business, home ,and other users purchase computers is for internet  access. The internet is a widely used research tool, providing society with access to globalinformation and instant communications. Further,access to the internet can occur anytime from a computer anywhere: at home ,at work, at school , in a restaurant, on an airplane, and at a park.


A server controls access to the hardware, software, and other resources on a network and providers a centralized strorage area for programs, data and information. Server can support from two to several thousand connected computers at the same time. In many cases, one server accesses data, information, and programs on another server. In other cases, people use personal computers or terminals to access data, information, and programs on a server .a teminal is a device with a monitor, keyboard, and memory.

Computer s software

Software, also called a program, consists of a series of related instruction, organized for a common purpose, thet tells the computer what tasks to perform and how to  perfrom them. You interact with a program through its user interface. The user interface controls how you enter data and instruction and how information is displayed on the screen. Software today often has a graphical user interface. With a graphical user interface (gui pronounced gooey), you interact with the software using text, graphics, and visual images such as icons. An icon is a miniature image the represents a program, an intruction, or some othe object. You can use the mouse to select icons thet perfrom operations such as starting a program.

Networks and the internet

A network is a collection pf computers and devices connected together, often wirelessly,via communications devices and transmission media. When a computer connects to a network it is online. Networks allow computers to share resources, such as hardware, software,data,and information. Sharing resources saves time and money. In my networks, one or more computers act as a server. The server controls access to the resources on a network, each called a client or workstation, request resources from the server. The major defferences between the server and client has more power, more strorage space, and expanded communications capabilities

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